Coming out on top.

Jamen hallå. Liksom. Vad i hela fridens namn var det för säsongsavslutning på Prison Break?! Eller ja. Den var väl precis som en säsongsavslutning ska vara men jag orkar inte! Jag. Dör. Och nu får man vänta till hösten? Känns som en smärre evighet.

Idag ska vi diskutera semesterdagar här på jobbet och jag är kluven över när jag ska ha och inte. Egentligen spelar det väl inte så superstor roll för min del, speciellt då jag inte har något planerat... Bara jag får ledigt för EM och Roberts bröllop så... och så ev. BCA om det blir något sånt. Men det är ju bara strödagar.

Läste ett mejl från en kille i Top Gun precis. Han förklarade vad som hänt, eftersom de hade en tjej som saknades på Worlds första dag... Låter honom förklara själv, för de som bryr sig:

"Hey! Thank you! Wow, what an exciting event it was. On Thursday night at the very end of our practice (at Top Gun), we threw it full out and one of our flyers came down from the pyramid awkwardly and severely sprained her ankle. We thought she broke it because she was screaming so loud and said she heard a pop. And she is the best flyer on the team (point flyer in the stunt sequence) so we were freaking out at first. But thats what alternates are for right? So, we put the alternate in and she's not nearly as good as the flyer that got injured so all the other girls on the team stepped it up and each girl filled in a different spot in the routine of the girl that got injured. So, we were at the gym till midnight Thursday night making changes and adjustments......but it all worked out for the best because we still won!!!! The reason why there was a flyer missing during their walk-through though was because she was at her Senior Prom and didn't arrive in Orlando till late late Saturday night, so they just did the walkthrough without her.

It was a tight competition though. We had a hands down on one of our standing fulls (1 point deduction) and then the 4 round off 1 1/2's that come to the front before they do the bhs bhs full of them landed a little weird so they took a point off for we had two points in deductions so our raw score was a 95.5 but we ended up getting a 93.5. Cheer Athletics Wildcats had a touch down during tumbling as they had a 1 point deduction so their raw score was a 94.25 but they ended up getting a 93.25. So, we only won by .25 ... If CA Wildcats didn't have the touch down, we wouldn't have won. I would have been so upset! So, it was a tight competition but I'm glad we pulled out on top! An undefeated season for us!"

Snacka om att klara av pressen! Shiiit. Precis som mina tjejer då! Love you Eagles. På lördag är det vår tur!


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