Dagens mejl.
Fick detta till jobbet precis. Jag har kapat det lite men summan är ändå densamma: She wants me. Hon skickade även med en bild. En riktig kalaspingla.
Hi, how are you? I wish to find the present love! I would like to begin our acquaintance, with the small story about me.
My name is Arysjak. Friends me name simply Arysjak. To me of 28 years. I the quiet, young, purposeful girl. Friends say to me, that I cheerful. I love dialogue. I consider, that dialogue very important component in our life. I, as well as all women of our country, like to cook food, to go in for sports. I conduct a healthy way of life. I do not smoke and I do not take alcohol. I have work which very strongly I love. But I do not have not enough love. I am assured, that on our planet, there is a person who can present to me happiness and love!
I have no wide experience in the Internet acquaintances. I have seen transfer on the TV, about love in the Internet and have decided to find the happiness. I consider, that it is real. I search for the real who will love, and to respect me. I consider, that this main thing in relations. I wish to get acquainted with you more close, by means of e-mail. It will be for us easier variant.
I give you mine e-mail the address: (och här stod en adress)
You can write to me. I with pleasure will answer you. Certainly, I will send to you many the photos and I hope, that they will like you. I with impatience will wait your letter to me, with more detailed story about you. I am assured, that we become good friends and we can love each other.
Yours faithfully, Your new girlfriend, Arysjak.
Hi, how are you? I wish to find the present love! I would like to begin our acquaintance, with the small story about me.
My name is Arysjak. Friends me name simply Arysjak. To me of 28 years. I the quiet, young, purposeful girl. Friends say to me, that I cheerful. I love dialogue. I consider, that dialogue very important component in our life. I, as well as all women of our country, like to cook food, to go in for sports. I conduct a healthy way of life. I do not smoke and I do not take alcohol. I have work which very strongly I love. But I do not have not enough love. I am assured, that on our planet, there is a person who can present to me happiness and love!
I have no wide experience in the Internet acquaintances. I have seen transfer on the TV, about love in the Internet and have decided to find the happiness. I consider, that it is real. I search for the real who will love, and to respect me. I consider, that this main thing in relations. I wish to get acquainted with you more close, by means of e-mail. It will be for us easier variant.
I give you mine e-mail the address: (och här stod en adress)
You can write to me. I with pleasure will answer you. Certainly, I will send to you many the photos and I hope, that they will like you. I with impatience will wait your letter to me, with more detailed story about you. I am assured, that we become good friends and we can love each other.
Yours faithfully, Your new girlfriend, Arysjak.
Postat av: Melissa
Det här är det roligaste jag har läst på länge, fy fan! hahahaha
Postat av: richard dehnisch
Hej. Jag Richard, fick samma mail...Skrev tre rader tillbaka...frågade hur många hon skrivit till...
Hamnade på din sida av att jag googlade på Arysjak.
( ändå spännande...)
Postat av: Jan
Fick också ett brev med exakt samma innehåll som ovan. Hälsningar Jan